Application for Middle School
If the quota is not filled for Grade 5 and 6, the application of candidate students are processed in the following manner;

a- Çimentaş Education and Health Foundation Işıkkent Primary School students are prioritized in the middle school enrolment process.
b- Admission from outside the school is based on the academic, social and developmental properties of students.
c- Applicants should fill out and hand in the Candidate Student Enrolment Form.
d- Applicants will take placement tests from the following subjects: Mathematics, Turkish, Science, Social Sciences and English.
e- Candidate students are observed in the classroom environment for a whole day. The observation date is announced by the administration to the parents. The student’s social and developmental properties are assessed by the Counselling Department through interviews.
f- Applicants must hand in the “Student Behaviour Evaluation Report”, which is obtained from their previous schools, with the application form.
Students who do not hand in the report, or who have negative comments on their report will not be accepted, even if they get high grades from their placement tests. Information gathered from the interviews, observations and written assessments are considered by the Admission Commission. The Admission Commission decides whether the student is to be accepted or not.
The enrolment process of the accepted students is carried out in line with the official enrolment calendar announced on the website. If the quota is not filled then the admission process is carried out in line with Articles b and f.