Protective and Preventive Programmes

The cognitive, social, emotional and physical development of the students are monitored closely by the school psychologist and the teachers. The information gathered by the guidance and counselling department is primarily communicated to the relevant department, teacher or parent. Our individual and/or group guidance and counselling program consists of 3 major parts: assistive, preventive and constructive. With our carefully constructed integrated support programme, students are guided through the formation process of their true identities and personalities.
The Higher Education Planning and Counselling

Işıkkent has a professional team to help students shape their high school years according to their own expectations and goals, and to help with the application process to national/foreign universities. The Higher Education Planning and Counselling Office holds career days where the representatives of universities from Turkey and oversees open information stands. Through one-on-one conversations and oversees education presentations, students learn about a number of universities and their entrance requirements. Students get to know universities and occupational groups, and choose the best option that fits their individual career goals.
Coaching Programme

Coaching is like throwing a pebble into still water: It raises awareness and makes people think. Coaching helps students set their own goals through accurate and powerful questions and gives them courage to take action. In short, coaching prepares students for life in the real world. Işıkkent has been providing professional coaching training to the teachers since 2009.
Teachers coach students individually through all grade levels, from ELC to high school. In this context, Işıkkent School was granted the Prism Award in 2013 by the International Coaching Federation as “the only educational institution which successfully integrated coaching into the school environment”.