The Student Council

for the interest of the
students; informs students, teachers and the school administration.


in the High School
orientation programme.

to enhance the sense of belonging and communication among the students.
The High School Student Council
The Işıkkent High School Student Council consists of the Student Council executive board members and class representatives. The student council permanent members include a Chairman – elected from Grade 12 students, a Deputy Chairman – elected from Grade 11 students, a Vice Chairman – elected from Grade 12 students, a Bookkeeper and a Secretary- elected from Grade 10 students, and the members -elected from Grade 9 students. All high school students vote during the elections. One student from each class becomes the class representative due to a majority vote at the beginning of each academic year. Elected members remain in their positions until the end of the academic year.

2023-2024 High School Student Council
Bartu Aslan | Student Council President |
Elif Köklüce | Student Council Acting President |
Efe Büyükkarcı | Student Council Vice President |
Su Yazıcı | Student Council Treasurer |
Nabi Sabuncu | Student Council Secretary |
Bilge Üçkan | Member |
Middle School Student Council
The Middle School Student Council encourages student participation while developing leadership skills, a sense of responsibility and an understanding of democracy in action. At the end of the academic year, the student council elect their permanent members: Chairman and Deputy Chairman – elected from Grade 7 students, Vice Chairman – elected from Grade 6 students, and Secretary- elected from Grade 5 students. Before the elections, candidate students carry out their campaigns for a week. The next Student Council is formed through democratic elections. At the beginning of the new academic year, each grade elects a student representative and the representatives carry out their duties in the Council throughout the academic year. The Chairman submits the requests and needs of fellow students to the school administration. The main areas of responsibility are: to help solve problems, to have an active role in community service projects and to organise activities that will develop communication and a sense of belonging among students.

2023-2024 Middle School Student Council
Leyla Hinton | Student Council President |
Deren Arıkan | Student Council Acting President |
Mina Sevimlican | Student Council Vice President |
Alp İlhan Sincer | Student Council Treasurer |
Barkın Özdemir | Student Council Secretary |