The Işıkkent Boarding School for high school students who come to İzmir from different cities
The Işıkkent Boarding School was founded in 2012, in order to provide students in the Aegean Region with a unique, high quality learning environment that has global educational standards.
With its 72 student dormitory capacity (36 boys and 36 girls), Işıkkent dormitory is settled on two floors separated for boys and girls. The dormitory rooms are designed according to the needs of our boarding students to provide them with social, psychological and academic support. Each floor has a lounge, visitor room, infirmary and a laundry room. Students have their own bed, cupboard and study desk in the double rooms.

Işıkkent Boarding School Goals and Philosophy
The main goal of the Işıkkent Boarding School is to provide the most suitable social and academic environment for students to develop their physical and psychological development where they can feel at home.
Our second goal is to help students spend their free time effectively through academic, social, sporta and artistic activities.
The main values of the Işıkkent Family are the essentials of coexistence which are respect, love, sharing, integrity, understanding, responsibility and cooperation.