The educational experience at Işıkkent has three underlying tenants: It is student-centred, humanistic and constructivist.
- Students learn at different rates and in different ways.
- Students achieve success by being active participants in their learning.
- Students develop character through engagement with others from different backgrounds and through interaction within the community.
Our education philosophy is to enable students to stand on their own two feet, have their own voice within society, and integrate what they learn into their daily lives.
Our constructivist approach asks the teacher to assess the level of understanding students currently have and use this understanding to assiststudents in the development of their future learning.

Işıkkent teachers facilitate and encourage learning through student-centred activities. The protective relationship between teachers and students is supported by counselling and coaching systems, which develop students intellectually, emotionally and physically. Teachers regularly receive professional development training programmes to shape life-long learning through professional critical awareness.
Assessments which are practised during learning, teaching and supporting processes, help students to be lifelong learners.