Following the end of the 1st unit, in the week of December 14th-18th, our primary school students held "Student-Led Conference" meetings where they told their parents and teachers what they had learned throughout the unit. Previously, On December 9th-10th, our PYP Coordinator Evrim Yalcin gave a presentation to all our parents about the "Virtual Student-led Conferences " that we experienced for the first time. Then our branch teachers presented what they had done throughout the unit. In these meetings, our parents learned about teachers, students and parent responsibilities for Virtual SLC. Finally, our guidance counsellor Yıldız Alptekin explained to our parents the ways to deal with the anxiety that may be experienced in this process. Our students, who gathered all their works on an online platform, worked for their presentation in their lessons throughout the week. In this process, they proved how they developed their thinking, research, organization, self-management and communication skills. We are proud to see how much they have improved themselves even under these circumstances. We would like to thank to all our students and teachers for their efforts and to all our parents for their support...