Grade 7 students have finalized working on a traditional interdisciplinary project “Creating Our Own Country” based on the novel “Animal Farm” written by George Orwell. The aim of the project was to explore the necessity and importance of values and elements in structuring a country considering three different MYP disciplines: Language and Literature, Visual Art, and Technology and Design. While working on the project, students have developed certain ATL skills such as research skills by conducting systematic research and presentation of topics according to the guidelines given in all disciplines and interpretation skills by evaluating data and recommendations while creating their own country. Self-management skills have also helped them to organize their knowledge and transfer it to the construction of models. They understood the importance of cooperation and planning in the formation of the country they had designed. They also focused on communication skills while presenting the work they had prepared individually, using various media tools. As a “Service as Action” activity, Grade 7 students presented their projects to Grade 6 students who provided constructive feedback and evaluated them according to certain categories. Grade 7 parents were also invited to celebrate the event.