ELC ½ students decided to build a Sensory Wall in the Piazza area. They picked objects that they can easily touch and feel from the Remida storage room. They had an agreement and chose seashells. They glued seashells one by one on a cardboard and made their sensory wall. They did not threw away unused materials and kept trees, birds, seas –in short, their environment- clean. They added a priceless value to unused objects. 
Students also made choices about which objects they want to use, where to place them, and how many to include on the paper, helping them experience decision-making skills, develop fine motor skills and autonomy in a lovely way. When playing with glue, children can learn about viscosity, and how one object can adhere to another, sometimes permanently. Practice and repetition at this age is a golden rule. Children enjoy repetitive actions. Climbing up the slide and kicking a ball again and again, or adhering small objects to paper never bore them; on the contrary, these actions make them happy. This was an activity that we all enjoyed.