As part of our seminar series “seminars towards tomorrow”, we hosted professor Yankı Yazgan at Işıkkent on Saturday, March 25. Below, we would like to share with you, the most significant messages Professor Yazgan gave in his seminar: “Frustration and disappointment emerge when we fail to get what we want. As a matter of fact, none of us knows what the future holds. Therefore the worries we have about our children’s future can not protect them from anything. You can not keep looking afar. Just keep focused in this moment. Our fears of that far away future do not make sense for our kids because they can not see that far. It is more about how we manage our disappointments. Self-confidence is of course important but confiding in the other and forming meaningful relations also matter. If we fail in our relations, we fail to enjoy many things in life. Being a parent is starting a relationship with our children so that they can grow as an individual. The most important thing, when it comes to emotions, is to define the undefined and the variables. One voice from both parents give children a clearer message. Conflicting voices from parents leave deep scars in their young hearts. Children find it very difficult to live up to their parents’ expectations. It makes them feel insufficient. It makes them think ‘if I can’t be what my mum wants me to be, I can’t do anything right’. In order to be successful you should divide the task into sections and feel the fulfilment as you complete each section. In other words, our requests should be achievable.” Professor Yazgan answered parents’ questions at the end of his presentation. We would like to give our heartfelt thanks to Mr. Yazgan for a very productive parent day.