Our 2012 graduate Berker Güven performed successfully in the movie “Babam”. Berker Güven, who co-starred with Çetin Tekindor, Melisa Şenolsun and Erkan Kolçak Köstendil in the movie “Babam”, graduated from the Film and Television Department of Istanbul Bilgi University. He has been acting in the Craft Acting Academy since 2014. Berker Güven, who played a mentally disabled character named Arif in the movie “Babam” directed by Nihat Durak, had worked for his role by visiting “Zihinsel Yetersiz Çocukları Yetiştirme ve Koruma Vakfı” (a foundation to raise and protect mentally disabled children) for a whole month. He won the Promising Young Actor Award in the 17th “Direklerarası Seyirci” Awards Ceremony and the Üstün Akmen Young Actor Award in the 22nd Sadri Alışık Theatre and Cinema Awards Ceremony held in 2017. We congratulate our graduate and wish him success in his future career.